Justinianus Bridge
This bridge is one of the most impressive monuments in Anatolia, during the early Byzantine period, it locates on Chark River that pours the waters of Lake Spanga in the Sakkaria river in Srdivan-Bishkopro Municipality, 250 meters north of the D-100 (E-5) Run way. This bridge was built during the Byzantine period by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian (527-565) between 558-560, and this stone bridge is 365 meters in length (a horizontal building up to the Arc de Triomphe 384.30 meters), with a width of 9.85 meters, and there are seven circular arches at the center, 2 from the west side and 3 from the east. Thus, the total of the arches is 12 arcs, including the secondary arcs that gradually shrink on the sides. The Arc de Triomphe sign is located on the western side of the bridge, which locates on Chark River that pours the waters of Lake Spanga in the Sakkaria river in Srdivan-Bishkopro Municipality, 250 meters north of the D-100 (E-5) Run way, while there is a horizontal building on the eastern side and the remains of a cellar. During the Byzantine period, the great bridge was called the Pons in Latin, where it is located south-west of Adabazari, and the bridge did not have another name, after that the Romans, who did not know the meaning of the word PONS in Latin that it means a bridge, they started to name it (PONTOGEPHYRA) and after a period the name became (PENTEGEPHYRA) (BASKOPRU). The bridge has not 5 parts or 5 Arcs (it is 12 large arcs). In 1995, the General Directorate of Highways closed the bridge for lack of transport, with the aim of restoring it and placed also three steps for each side of the bridge.